Meet the journalist: Hi! I’m Lily Wirth, and I’m a junior. This is my first year writing for Red and White. I decided to join because I’ve always had an interest in journalism and this is the first year my schedule has allowed me to take the class. Outside of journalism, I’m in BHS Chorus and Fusion. When not in school enjoy doing theatre and baking. I live with my mom, dad (who is a journalist and inspired my interest in the subject), and my two dogs: Winnie and Bailee.
Some other random facts about me:
I’m terrified of spiders and small, clustered holes (it’s called trypophobia - look it up).
After high school I want to move to New York and pursue theatre.
I’m certified in first aid.
I’m really short (about 5’1”).
My middle name is Elizabeth but I go by Eliza.
My heritage is Sicilian, Irish, and Hungarian.
My Hogwarts house is Hufflepuff.
My favorite book is The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
My favorite food is strawberries
My favorite TV show is American Horror Story
My favorite movie is The Perks of Being A Wallflower
As I said I do theatre I started when I was 9 and my favorite role has been Betty Parris in The Crucible.