By Alyssa Sitler-Smedley
A lot of our students here go to the games. The student section is always big and loud no matter how cold or how hot it is outside. Or how late or early it is. Almost all of our student population goes to these games. These games are important to them. So I decided to talk to some people who go to almost every game. The first person I talked to was Autumn breech(11) she goes to almost every game. She says she enjoys going to all the games and she likes how fun they can get. She also likes being in the student section with friends. She says it “makes the games more fun” She said she'll be at almost every game unless it's raining. I thought it'd be cool to hear from an athlete and what they think when the student section is full. So i talked to Michael Durr(11) he said he loved seeing a packed student section at games. He said sometimes it made him nervous to see that many people standing up there cheering. “It could be nerve racking to see all those people up there hoping and cheering for us to beat the other team” Bloom is very competitive when it comes to our sports and people think its
fun but the players think it's kind of nerve wracking. The players still love it though and love seeing everyone supporting and cheering for them. Autumn breech said the best games to be at are football and basketball because “ those games are the most fun and the loudest one” Those two sports are also the most competitive so if you're looking for a fun sport to go watch then basketball and football are the ones to go to. The even better part of our sports is the pep rally. Everyone gets to come together for the biggest game of the year, homecoming. Those are the times its loudest for our sports teams. So come out to some BHS sports and show some love.